The whole of the Research Proposal process was a good learning and self-reflecting experience. From brainstorming to submission of research proposal followed by presenting our ideas, the process involved teamwork which presented problems that made us paused to think what went wrong.
The deadlines were quite close to each other and we had to balance the workload of other modules. Personally I had 4 other modules that require consistent efforts in terms of lab reports, weekly tests and CAs, and some even clashed with the deadlines of research proposal which almost made me suffocated from the workload. Furthermore, it was hard to establish priorities since all of these were graded and will contribute to the final module grade significantly. However, I chose to sacrifice other modules for the research proposal as I feel that it will not only affect my grade but also my groupmates'. I had to consider the fact that I should be putting the same amount of effort, if not more, as my groupmates, especially since we placed emphasis in equality of work.
One of the greatest challenges which we faced was communication breakdown. I felt that it was due to lack of understanding, in terms of literally the meaning of the messages and being considerate. More often than not, we had to repeat ourselves again and again to the same questions or to get our points across. Conflict occurred as we were not on the same page at some point in time. However, by the time we realised the problem, I felt that it was too late to correct it. In fact, if we were to dwell on it, we would be wasting time and nothing constructive will result from it. My take was to move on and complete as we have a deadline to follow. What can we do if the amount of work required to be done stays unchanged, but the manpower we have has decreased? Differences in thinking and handling of problem were obviously an issue since we do not know each other beforehand. As such, the lesson learnt would be to establish a common ground and reach a consensus at the start of the project.
Despite the problems faced, there were some good points noted, such as the teamwork shown in wanting the result to be as ideal as possible. Individualistic was not an issue as we helped one another even after the splitting of work. We would make sure every parts of the proposal and presentation were linked and helped one another to improve on their parts. Such efforts were significant in making the final product possible.
All in all, I would say I am satisfied with what we have came up with, although there is of course, room for improvement. Given the amount of time we had for this research proposal and the amount of effort we have all put in, the product has exceeded my expectation for it.
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